
Uzupełnij drugie zdanie z każdej pary, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj przy tym podanych
początków i zakończeń zdań. W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: nie
zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

2.1. You will be wasting your time asking Jim to go with us - he has tennis practice every evening. USE
__________Jim to go with us - he has tennis practice every

2.2. Greg's team lost the match because he failed to score a goal. SCORED
If Greg__________, his team wouldn't have lost the match.

2.3. They had to cancel the swimming competition because of the storm. BE
The swimming competition__________
because of the storm.

2.4. The coach told us that we would have to concentrate on the ball in order to win the game. EYE
The coach told us that we would have to keep__________
in order to win the game.

2.5. It is more likely that rugby players will get injured compared to tennis players. ARE
Rugby players___________ injured compared to tennis players.​

Odpowiedź :

1 – It's no use asking

2 – had scored a goal

3 – had to be cancelled

4 – an eye on the ball

5 – are more likely to get