
(opis wydarzenia sportowego, w którym wzięliście Państwo udział, należy napisać co to za wydarzenie, gdzie i kiedy miało miejsce, co się tam wydarzyło i jak się czuliście, min. 80 max. 130 słów. Po angielsku proszę o pomoc ​

Odpowiedź :

Yesterday, an inter-class competition took place on the school playground. There were 7 sports competitions in total. Our class is good at sports but it started to get problems at the beginning. Our best student twisted the ankle and couln't take part. Everyone started to fear a bit how the whole contest would go on. The score was 3:3. The last competition was a volleyball match. Everyone was already tired but we tried our best. And we won. We were very pleased with ourselves. At the end, the principal handed us a huge cup that we put in our class.