
2 ** Complete the responses with a strong adjective.

1 'Her football skills are impressive.' 'Yes, she's _________
2 'Was the film funny?' 'Yes, it was ________
3 'Is their house big?' 'Yes, it's ________
4 'Was your dad angry?' 'Yes, he was _________
5 'Did you feel sad?' 'Yes, I felt _________
6 'Are you hungry?' 'Yes, I'm _________
7 Was the weather cold?' 'Yes, it was _________
8 Was the food nice?' 'Yes, it was ________
9 'Was it very small?' 'Yes, it was ________
10 'You look hot.' Yes, I'm ________

Odpowiedź :


1 'Her football skills are impressive.' 'Yes, she's stunning albo spectacular.

2 'Was the film funny?' 'Yes, it was hilarious.

3 'Is their house big?' 'Yes, it's enormous albo gigantic albo huge

4 'Was your dad angry?' 'Yes, he was furious.

5 'Did you feel sad?' 'Yes, I felt depressed albo miserable.

6 'Are you hungry?' 'Yes, I'm starving.

7 Was the weather cold?' 'Yes, it was freezing.

8 Was the food nice?' 'Yes, it was delicious.

9 'Was it very small?' 'Yes, it was tiny.

10 'You look hot.' Yes, I'm ja bym tu użyła sexy, ale nie jestem pewna, czy to słowo jest w 'szkolnym słowniczku do angielskiego', więc może attractive