
Zamień każde ze zdań na zdanie przeczące i na zdanie pytające. 1. He was on a tram.
2. They were in a bookshop.
3. It was expensive.
4. I was busy at the weekend.
5. My favourite cafe was busy.
6. The cooks were good.
7. The clothes were very cheap.​

Zamień Każde Ze Zdań Na Zdanie Przeczące I Na Zdanie Pytające 1 He Was On A Tram2 They Were In A Bookshop3 It Was Expensive4 I Was Busy At The Weekend5 My Favou class=

Odpowiedź :

1. He wasn’t on a tram.
Was he on a tram?
2. They weren’t in a bookshop.
Were they in a bookshop?
3. It wasn’t expensive.
Was it expensive?
4. I wasn’t busy at the weekend.
Were you busy at the weekend?
5. My favorite cafe wasn’t busy
Was my favorite cafe busy?
6. The cooks weren’t good.
Were the cooks good?
7. The clothes were very cheap.
Were the clothes very cheap?


1. He wasn't on a tram.

Was he on a tram?

2. They weren't in a bookshop.

Were they in a bookshop?

3. It wasn't expensive.

Was it expensive?

4. I wasn't busy at the weekend.

Was I busy at the weekend?

5. My favourite cafe wasn't busy.

Was my favourite cafe busy?

6. The cooks weren't good.

Were the cooks good?

7. The clothes weren't very cheap.

Were the clothes very cheap?


Mamy tutaj do czynienia z czasem Past Simple, dokładniej z czasownikiem to be w nim występującym. Zasada jest bardzo prosta:

- zdanie twierdzące

I/he/she/it + was + dalsza część zdania

we/you/they + were + dalsza część zdania

- zdanie przeczące

was zamieniamy na wasn't (was not)

I/he/she/it + wasn't + dalsza część zdania

were zamieniamy na weren't (were not)

we/you/they + weren't + dalsza część zdania

- zdanie pytające

stosujemy przestawny szyk zdania, mówiąc prościej zamieniamy miejscami osobę i was/were

Was + I/he/she/it + dalsza część zdania + ?

Were + we/you/they + dalsza część zdania + ?