
1 Complete the words in the sentences./uzupelni wyrazy w zdaniach.
0 Your elbow is in the middle of your arm
1 Your n__joins your head to your body
2 Last night I had a really bad soret - it was painful to eat or drink anything
3 Your b is mainly made of water, so drinking plenty of water helps you to think
4 I usually sleep w when I'm very tired
5 Don't surf the internet just before bedtime because you won't feel s
6 I usually getr
for bed at about 10.30 and I never in bed
7 Last Friday I had a really bad tooth so I went to the dentist
8 In spring and summer, a lot of people suffer from h​

VocabularySłownictwo1 Complete The Words In The Sentencesuzupelni Wyrazy W Zdaniach0 Your Elbow Is In The Middle Of Your Arm1 Your Njoins Your Head To Your Body class=

Odpowiedź :

1. neck
2. sore throat
3. body
4. well/ale nie jestem pewna
5. sleepy
6. ready
7. pain
8. hay fevrt