
Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10
1. Przeczytaj poniższe zdania. Uzupełnij luki tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy.
1. There aren’t any interesting films on TV today.
There are ……………………………………………………... films on TV today.
2. I think someone followed us here.
I think we ……………………………………………………... .
3. When did they take these photos?
When were ……………………………………………………… ?
4. These shoes are too small for me.
These shoes are not ……………………………………………………... for me.
5. “Where do you come from?”, the teacher asked.
The teacher asked him ……………………………………………………… from.
6. There are many clouds on the sky this morning.
It ……………………………………………………... this morning.
7. They grow coffee in Brazil.
Coffee ……………………………………………………... in Brazil.
8. We mustn’t go inside.
We ……………………………………………………... to go inside.
9. We were swimming in the sea. It started to rain.
While ……………………………………………………... in the sea, it started to rain.
10. Mike and I are both 2 metres tall.
Mike is ……………………………………………………... me.
2. Przeczytaj poniższe zdania. Uzupełnij luki tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy.
1. We came here in December.
We ……………………………………………………... since December.
2. This city is very polluted.
There is a ……………………………………………………... in this city.
3. They’ve decided to take up judo.
They are ……………………………………………………... up judo.
4. Tom is a very good painter.
Tom paints ……………………………………………………... .
5. There aren’t enough chairs in this classroom.
There are ……………………………………………………... in this classroom.
6. They gave me the wrong change!
I ……………………………………………………... the wrong change.
7. Maria is taller than Chris.
Chris is ……………………………………………………... as Maria.
8. This is such a nice song!
This song ……………………………………………………... .
9. “I am very proud of you” my father said to me.
My father told me ……………………………………………………... very proud of me.
10. I was so tired. This is why I went to bed.
I went to bed ……………………………………………………... so tired.

Odpowiedź :


There are no interesting films on tv today.

i think we were followed (by someone)

When were these photos taken.

These shoes are not big enough for me.

The teacher asked him where did he come from.

It is cloudy this morning.

Coffe is grown in Brazil.

We are not allowed to go inside.

While we were swimming in the sea, it started to rain.

Mike is as tall as me.


We have been here

There is a lot of pollution in this city.

They are going to take up judo.

Tom paints very well.

There are not enought chairs in this classroom.

I was given the wrong chance.

Chris is as tall as Maria.

This song is so nice.

My father told me that he was very proud of me.

I went to bed beacuse I was so tired.