
W twoim domu właśnie trwa remont. W e-mailu do kolegi z Anglii :
-napisz, co się zmieni w twoim domu po remoncie ;
- opisz jeden problem, który pojawił się z powodu remontu, oraz wyjaśnij , jak został rozwiązany ;
-dowiedz się, co twój kolega chciałby zmienić w swoim domu.

Odpowiedź :


Hi John,

In my home we having renovation, after this lots of things will change in my house. So I will have my own bathroom excatly next to my room, but in my room I will have new big wardrobe. In my kitchen I will have new furniture in preety black colour. After renovation my parents will have their bedroom downstairs.

Unfortunatelly when the workers started their work they encountered on problem. They didn't saw ealier that my room is too small to my new wardrobe so they have to tear wall down and now I have bigger room than I had ealier.

I'm really interesting what you want change in your house. I looking forward to your answer.