
Treść zadania w załączniku

Treść Zadania W Załączniku class=
Treść Zadania W Załączniku class=

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Hi Emma,

Yesterday we published the first edition of our school newspaper. My class prepared it, and everyone says it's great. We wanted to create the newspaper because we thought it's a great idea and we had a lot of things to share. We had a wonderful time making it. My job was to find matching photos for the articles. It's not that hard but it takes time. I was very keen on it, so I got all the photos prepared in just 2 hours! We're planning to write about global warming in the next edition of the school newspaper. We think it's a very important topic and we have some cool ideas for it.

Hope to hear from you soon,



Liczba słów: 126.

Pisz w komentarzu jakbyś chciał się o coś dopytać i pochwal się jak dostaniesz za to ocenę :)

Pozdrawiam - Antek :D


Hi Emma!

Yesterday we published the first edition of our school newspaper. My class prepared it, and everyone says it's great.

We started a school newspaper a week ago with the permission of the principal! We thought the school needs a source of information about news, changes, etc. so we thought why not make it ourselves. My job is preparing scripts for the newspapers! Once we get some feedback from the school we will begin working on our second issue, it's going to be about school council elections. It's going to be quite long because there are a lot of candidates but I'm so excited! We thought we should cover this as our second issue because there's quite a lot of confusion about the candidates.

I'm so excited to work on more issues! Let me know what you think!

Take care,


Liczba słow to 142.