ADRIANDOBROWOLSKI27ON ADRIANDOBROWOLSKI27ON Język angielski Rozwiązane Sports and sporting events 1. Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki. surfing basketball volleyball ice skating horse riding gymnastics diving climbing kayaking 0 You can go surfing if you have a board and live near the sea. 1 Matt plays ________________ on the school court every Thursday. 2 Let’s go ________________ on the river on Saturday. 3 Have you ever tried ________________ on the special wall at the sports centre? It’s fun! 4 In Tanya’s ________________ club, they use the ropes and bars in the school hall. 5 Mum’s going ________________ across the fields tomorrow. 6 The lake is frozen, so shall we go ________________? 7 In ________________, two teams hit a ball across a net with their hands. 8 I want to learn to go ________________ under the sea, using scuba equipment.