
zadanie 3-tłumaczenie: Dokończ dialog. Napisz jedno słowo w każdej luce. PLZ MAM TO ODESŁAĆ DO DZISIAJ 00:00!

Zadanie 3tłumaczenie Dokończ Dialog Napisz Jedno Słowo W Każdej Luce PLZ MAM TO ODESŁAĆ DO DZISIAJ 0000 class=

Odpowiedź :

Witaj :)

A: So, Jon, how long have you been a cameraman?

B: For about twenty-five years.

A: And how long have you lived in Los Angeles?

B: I've lived here since 2010.

A: When was the last time you worked on a film?

B: Well, I haven't worked on a film for eight months.

A: Have you ever worked in Britain?

B: Yes, I have - I love Britain! But I haven't been there since 2011.

A: What's your favourite type of film?

B: Oh, I love horror films. But I haven't worked on a horror film for six years.