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Odpowiedź :

Witaj :)

Zadanie 1.1

1. -

2. Karen, do you know where the President of the USA lives?

3. Is it true that the Crown Jewels are kept at the Tower of London?

4. Be quiet! We are watching "Home alone"!

5. Jason will travel to Cape Town if he saves enough money.

Zadanie 1.2

1. My grandfather used to live in Australia when he was a child.

2. What would you ask Donald Trump is you met him tomorrow?

3. Martin and I always wanted to visit Buckingham Palace.

4. Independence Day is celebrated on July 4th in the USA.

5. What are the two official languages in Canada?

6. Everyone knows who works at 10 Downing Street.

7. It's surprising that you have never tried maple syrup before!

8. How many states are there in the USA?

9. Mike keeps forgetting who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"

10. Did you know that Russel Crowe was born in New Zealand?

11. Alan speaks Welsh fluently, doesn't he?

12. My grandma always says: "Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched."

13. Scotland is situated in northern part of Great Britain.

14. I learnt at school yesterday that the largest lake in the USA is called Lake Superior.

15. When did Sam climb Ben Nevis? Was it last year?