
7 Write your own personal statement. Write 50 to
120 words. Include information about:
your school, school year and what you are
what you would like to do in the future and
what you did in the past
your interests, adjectives and phrases to
describe yourself
I am a student at...​

Odpowiedź :

I am a student at (twoja szkoła) im in year (rok szkoły) and i am studying Maths becouse im really good at it. Whenever i was in the lower years i used to get straight A's so i dicided to study it so in the future i will be a very good mathemathician. In the past i used to train football but i enjoyed maths more and didn't have much timw for football i could say i was ok but math was my stronger side. I also have friends that want to be mathematicians they discribe me as a Good, Friend i always help them if they need my help. thats all from me for now.