
przetłumacz zdania na język angielski plssss nie z gogle

1.) Paul Newman był nie tylko słynnyn amerykańskim aktorem, ale równiez rezyserem, ktory nakręcił wiele filmow

2.) Szkoda marnować tyle czasu na takie nudne zadania, zróbmy cos innego:

3.) Zajmował się aktorstwem w liceum, ale nigdy nie bral poważnie pod uwage kariery

4.) Gdy znalazł pracę w Nowym Jorku, zagral role greckiego niewolnika na Broadwayu.

5.) Mam zle doswiadczenia w pracy filmowej, dlatego wole teatr.

6.) Musisz żyć twoja rola zanim zagrasz w filmie.

7) Nie lubię się z nią spotykać, bo bez przerwy gada. Nie rozumie, że ja tez chciałbym czasem coś powiedziec.

8.) Ten film przyniósł mu sławę.

9) Gdy zauważyli, ze w ich malzenstwie przestało się układać, rozwiedli się.

10. Wygralem wiele roznych nagród filmowych, ale nigdy nie wygrałem Oskara.

11.) Kto wystepowal w tym filmie?

12.) Jego jedyny syn umarl, bo przedawkował narkotyki.

13./Nadużywanie alkoholu jest bardzo powszechnym problemem mlodych ludzi w
tym kraju,

14.)Paul Newman popierał rózne ruchy spoleczne i wysylał hojne czeki ludziom, którzy mieli poważne problemy finansowe.

15.)Chce być zapamiętany leko osoba, która przez cale swoje zycie pomagata innym.

16:)Probuj caly czas, nie poddawaj sięl Predzej czy pózrilej​​

Odpowiedź :


1.Paul Newman was not only a famous american actor, but also a rezyser who made many films

2.) a pity to waste so much time for such boring tasks, let's do something different:

3.) He dealt with acting in high school, but he never took care of his career seriously


4.) When he found a job in New York, he played the role of a Greek slave on Broadway.

5.) I have a bad experience in film work, which is why the theater will.

6.) You must live your role before you play in the movie.

7) I do not like to meet her, because there is a reptile. He does not understand that I would like to say something sometimes.

8.) This film brought him fame.

9) When they noticed that in their marriage it stopped arranged, they divorced.

10. I won many different movie prizes, but I never won Oscar.

11.) Who has occurred in this movie?

12.) his only son died because he overdosed drugs.

13. Alcohol is a very common problem of young people in

this country,

14.) Paul Newman supported different social movements and send generous checks who had serious financial problems.

15.) Wants to be remembered by the Leko person who throughout his life help other.

16:) Try all the time, do not give up sooner or ribald


chyba dobrze :)


1.) Paul Newman was not only a famous American actor, but also a director who made many films

2.) It's a pity to waste so much time on such boring tasks, let's do something else:

3.) He worked in acting in high school, but never took a career seriously


4.) After finding a job in New York, he played the role of a Greek slave on Broadway.

5.) I have bad experience in filmmaking, so I prefer theater.

6.) You have to live your role before you play in the movie.

7) I don't like meeting her because she talks all the time. He does not understand that I would also like to say something sometimes.

8.) This movie made him famous.

9) When they noticed that their marriage had stopped working out, they divorced.

10. I have won many different film awards but never won an Oscar.

11.) Who was in this movie?

12.) His only son died because he overdosed on drugs.

13./ Alcohol abuse is a very common problem among young people in

this country

14.) Paul Newman supported various social movements and sent generous checks to people who had serious financial problems.

15.) A person who has been helping others throughout his life wants to be remembered for medicine.

16 :) Try all the time, don't give up Sooner or late




liczę na naj, a i wgl znam się dobrze na angielskim, i podobne miałam, bo to robiłam też z panią, więc powinno być okej