
Przetłumacz zdania w odpowiednich czasach


Przetłumacz Zdania W Odpowiednich Czasach PILNE class=

Odpowiedź :

Where do you work?

How often do you go out to town?

What are you doing now?

What time do you usually get up on the weekends?

What time does your bus to work leave in the morning?

Are you getting hungry?

What are you doing this weekend?

What is your baby friend doing now?

What is your best friend doing? What does he do?

What are you doing tonight?

How often do you update your e-mail password?

What are you currently working on?

1. gdzie pracujesz - where do you work

2. jak czesto wychodzisz do miasta - how often do you go out to town

3. co teraz robisz - what are you doing now

4. o ktorej zazwyczaj wstajesz w weekendy - what time do you usually get up on the weekends

5. o ktorej rano odjezdza twoj autobus do pracy - what time does your bus leave for work in the morning

6. czy robisz sie glodny - are you getting hungry

7. co robisz w ten weekend - what are you doing this weekend

8. co robi teraz twoje dziecko - what is your baby doing now,

   co robi teraz twoj przyjaciel - what is your friend doing now

9. co robi twoj najlepszy przyjaciel (czym sie zajmuje) - what your best friend does

10. co robisz dzis wieczorem - co robisz dzis wieczorem

11. jak czesto aktualizujesz haslo do skrzynki pocztowej - how often do you update your mailbox password

12. nad czym obecnie pracujesz - what are you currently working on