
Proszę o pilną pomoc mam napisać e-mile klasa 7 mam czas do 11.30 proszę o pilną pomoc dam NAJJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Od pewnego czasu w Twojej szkole odbywają się warsztaty kulinarne w ramach zajęć dodatkowych, w których bierzesz udział. W liście do kolegi z Anglii:

poinformuj go o zajęciach, w których uczestniczysz, oraz wyjaśnij, dlaczego postanowiłeś/postanowiłaś wziąć w nich udział;

opisz, jak przebiegają zajęcia;

wyraź swoją opinię na temat zajęć i zachęć kolegę do nauki gotowania.

List powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 wyrazów.

Hi Liam,

I’ve got some news to share with you …

Odpowiedź :

Hi Liam,

I've got some news to share with you. Some days ago I decided to have cooking lessons. Well, you probably know that I'm a terrible cook. I can't even boil an egg, let alone make the whole meal... So, I thought it would be a very nice idea to learn how to cook. And I registered to the cooking class.

I don't regret! The lessons are absolutely awesome! At first, we listen to our teacher's lecture about some meals. Then, we try to do them in our own. The teacher walks around the class and help us, if we have some problems or we make mistakes.

I really like them. I'm still a terrible cook but I'm making progress slowly. The teacher is very clever and talented, and my friends are very nice too. They help me a lot. Hm... What do you think about cooking? I remember that you aren't a good cook... Would you like to learn some new recipes or spend time with very nice people? It's a lot of fun! And you'll will able to support me! Please, let me know what you think about it.
