
Przeformułuj podane zdania przy użyciu słów podanych w nawiasach.
Nie zmieniaj formy tych słów.
4.1. I went into the house and then I saw my cat drinking the water for flowers.
4.2. Not Tom, not Sam, not Sheila, but Jessica has broken the vase.
4.3. ‘Congratulations,’ said the teacher to Sheila. ‘You have passed the test!’
4.4. You cannot press the button no matter what!

Odpowiedź :


4.1 I went into the house and then i saw my cat having water for flowers for a drink.

4.2 Not Tom, not Sam, not Sheila, but Jessica broke it.

4.3 The teacher congratulated Sheila for passing the test.

4.4 Under no circumstances must you press this red button.
