
EGZAMIN Kolega, który przyjechał na
szkolną wymianę do Polski, napisał w e-mailu,
że się przeziębił. Napisz do niego wiadomość,
w której:
wyrazisz współczucie,
• zapytasz go, jak się czuje,
poradzisz mu, co powinien zrobić, żeby
wyjść z choroby.
Limit słów: 50-120.

pls błagam ​

Odpowiedź :

Hi Louis,

it's a shame that you have a cold and you can't arrive to Poland. I hoped we're going to meet, but  I wish you health, and stay safe for everybody to not infect them.

I'm so sorry for you. Everyone can have a cold because of the weather, or not good wearing. I hope you're just getting better, and yes, I still hope that we will meet in Poland. I planned everything to show you in Poland - I thought about showing you the most beautiful city in my country - it's Cracow, but Warsaw is also beautiful. I can show you what the Polish people are normally eating.

Anyway, if you want to get healthy, you should drink a tea with a vitamin C. This form of vitamin can make you feel healthy. You shouldn't go outside for 2 weeks. Contact with your friends virtually if it's possible.

I hope you will be healthy. Stay safe. Hope to meet you soon.

Big hugs,
