
Napisz list po angielsku pilne
w trakcie przygotowań do zawodów sportowych doznałeś kontuzji. Napisz list 80-130 słów do koleżanki z angli.
-wyjaśnij jak doszło do kontuzji
-napisz co dokładnie ci dolega
-zrelacjonuj co powiedział lekarz na temat leczenia i dalszych treningów
-wyraź swoje nadzieje dotyczace powrotu do zdrowia i zawodów

Odpowiedź :


Wyjaśnienie:Hey Ola ,

How are you ? Thanks for your last message . Two days ago ,on p.e. I had an accident . We were playing football . That's my favourite sport game so I am really active there . But floor was slappy and unfortunately I slipped on the floor and hurt my leg . Everybody looked at me and teacher helped me to stand up and go to nurse. She checked my leg and called my parents to ask if they agree to take me to the hospital. They agreed so after 15minutes ambulance arrived and take me to the hospital. Doctors there , did some clinical study . I left the hospital yesterday and I will stay at home for two weeks because they said my leg is broken . Because of this I can't go to your birthday party this weekend . I am so sorry and I wish you so much fun there . Please answer.

On Studier: Inne Pytanie