Plz help me mogę dać naj jak ktos powie jak

1. has got
2. have got
3. have got
4. has got
5. has got
6. have got
7. has got
1. haven't got
2. hasn't got
3. haven't got
4. haven't got
5. hasn't got
6. haven't got
1. has got / no, it hasn't
2. has got / yes, he has
3. have got / yes, we have
4. has got / yes, she has
5. has got / no, she hasn't
6. have got / yes, they have
7. has got / no, she hasn't
Jak mamy pojedyńcze osoby czyli She (ona), He (on), It (to), lub czyjeś imie to mamy has, a jeżeli mamy dwie lub więcej osób, czyli We (my), You (ty, wy), They (oni, one) to dodajemy have.
I (ja) jest wyjątkiem i dodajemy have zamiast has