Dawajcie szybko proszę daje naj i 100 pkt

1. Fresh vegetables was deliverd in the morning by us
2. Meals doesn't served last week by them
3. Her cats are feeded at the moment by she
4. Sentences will be copied by students
5. A lot of mistakes was made by me
6. Fours was reciveid yesterday by me
7. An SMS isn't writed to my best friend right now by me
8. London is visited every summer by us
9. An interesting novel is readed by him
10. A new flat was already bought by they
11. The shopping are did three times a week by my father
12. The news are wateched right now by she
13. House was built in 2005 by ma grandfather
14. Films weren't watched yesterday at 6 by they
15. Sing isn't songed by me
16. The table wasn't booked yet by him
17. Carrots and cabbagesare grown every year by they
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