
Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
1 My mum enjoys living __________________________ (w cichym domku wiejskim). She can spend hours in her garden!
2 __________________________ (Nigdy nie widziałem) such a huge mirror!
3 How are you getting on with the packing? __________________________ (Czy już skończyłeś?)
4 Mary is our new next door neighbour. She’s lived here __________________________ (od dwóch tygodni).
5 __________________________ (Musimy pomalować) my room at the weekend.

Odpowiedź :

1. My mum enjoys living in a quiet country cottage. She can spend hours in her garden!

2. I have never seen such a huge mirror!

3. How are you getting on with the packing?

Have you finished yet?

4. Mary is our new next door neighbour. She’s lived here since two weeks.

5. We must paint my room at the weekend.