
Zaznacz/wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź:
All foods are divided into groups. How 1.some/much/many groups are there? Well, there are five. The most important is fruit and vegetables. They contain 2.a lot of/any/much vitamins, so you need to eat 3.many/much/a lot of fruit and vegetables to be healthy. The next group is carbohydrates, like bread, pasta and rice. You should have 4.any/some/a few food from this group with every meal. Protein is next, which is in meat, fish and eggs. Protein is good for you, but you shouldn’t eat 5.any/some/many eggs per week-no more than five. You shouldn’t have 6.much/a little/any red meat either – no more than twice a week. After that comes milk and diary foods. How 7.a lot of/much/many cheese can you eat? well, cheese contains fat, so you should only eat 8./a little/much/some every day. The final group is fats and sugars. Food in this group doesn’t contain 9.some/a few/any vitamins or protein, so you shouldn’t have it often. Only eat it on special occasions, when you can have 10.any/a little/a few biscuits or a piece of cake for a change.​