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4 Przeczytaj artykuł, z którego usunięto cztery zdania.
Dopasuj zdania (a-e) do luk (1-4). Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Hallow School is a boarding school for boys aged
13–18. All the students live at the school, and they
can only go home at weekends or in the holidays.
Children have to pass a special test to go to Hallow.
Paul is 13 and he is in his second year at Hallow
School. __. He wanted Paul to have a similar
experience. I really wanted to go to Hallow, but the
test worried me. I had extra lessons, and I passed
the test. People think that life at boarding school is
difficult, but it isn't. I've got some good friends and
the teachers are kind.2__. In Year 10, I'm allowed
to go into town with other students on Saturdays.
But I chatted to my parents online, and
that helped. In his generation, there was no
Internet, so it was difficult to speak to his parents.'
a When I started here, I sometimes felt homesick.
b I can't go home or leave the school, but there are
a lot of sports and free-time activities.
c His parents chose Hallow School because his father
studied there.
d All my friends went to Hallow, which was good
for me.
e I imagine it was harder for my dad.