
PROSZĘ O POMOC Napisz po Angielsku o swojej wymarzonej pracy (byle jaka) używając słów : work experience, CV, abroad,strengths, personal qualites, reliable, good communication skills, working hours, colleagues , leader
Dlaczego akurat ta praca ? Minimum 8 zdań , proszę użyć jak najwięcej słów .

Odpowiedź :


My dream job is to become a teacher. I want to become a teacher because a teacher has convenient working hours and, because I like travelling, I might be able to work abroad, too. I know that to become a teacher I need to do well at high school. I understand that after school, I will have to go to university to study, and then get work experience. I think the studies will take 3-5 years, and the work experience will be working at school under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Then, of course, I will have to apply for jobs at school. I will need to write a very interesting CV, where I will outline my strengths and personal qualities. I know I have very good communication skills, I'm reliable and I enjoy working in a team with colleagues. I do want to become a leader eventually. These are the reasons I want to become a teacher.
