
Complete the text with one word in each gap
To get into shape, you need to exercise, but you also have to be careful about what you eat - your diet is vital for your health. If your food is high in c___, you'll put on weight. Limit them! Avoid j___ foods from factories and cook your own meals with healthy i___. Choose f___ fruit and vegetables when possible. Drink water or fruit juice (it's f___ of vitamins) and avoid f___ drinks full of gas and sugar. And stay away from f___ food outlets - they may be cheap but they're very bad for you.

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To get into shape, you need to exercise, but you also have to be careful about what you eat - your diet is vital for your health. If your food is high in calories, you'll put on weight. Limit them! Avoid junk foods from factories and cook your own meals with healthy ingredients. Choose fresh fruit and vegetables when possible. Drink water or fruit juice (it's full of vitamins) and avoid fizzy drinks full of gas and sugar. And stay away from fast food outlets - they may be cheap but they're very bad for you.

❓ Słówka/Zwroty:

  • junk foods -> niezdrowe jedzenie
  • (healthy) ingredients -> (zdrowe) składniki
  • full of vitamins -> pełne witamin
  • fizzy drinks -> napoje gazowane