
z uzupetnij rady, wpisujac should (POWIENIENES) I shouldn't (NIE POWINIENEŚ).
drink lots of water.
1 You
stare at people
2 You
3 You .
be rude to people
4. You
shout in class.
5 You
6 You.
go to bed if you've got flu.
work hard at schoo
7. YOU
talk with your mouth ful. 8 You
say "Bless you w
someone sneezes
9 You
wear warm clothes if you're cold.​

Odpowiedź :

1. You should drink lots of water.
2. You shouldn’t stare at people.
3. You shouldn’t be rude to people.
4. You shouldn’t shout in class.
5. You should go to bed if you’ve got flu.(?)
6. You should/shouldn’t (zależy od kontekstu) work hard at school.
7. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.
8. You should say “Bless you” if someone sneezes.
9. You should wear warm clothes if you’re cold.

Mam nadzieje ze pomoglm


1. You should drink lots of water.

2. You shouldn't stare at people.

3. You shouldn't be rude to people.

4. You shouldn't shout in class.

5. You should go to bed if you have got flue.

6. You should work hard at school.

7. You shouldn't talk with your mouth full.

8. You should say 'Bless you' when someone sneezes.

9. You should wear warm clothes if you're cold.
