The painting "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh enchants with its beauty and disturbing atmosphere. It shows a city plunged in darkness. There is a starry blue sky above the houses. The stars are disturbing by their brilliance. The colors in the picture are very intense.
Hence, the sky has a deep navy blue tint and the stars are bright yellow. The picture provokes dreams and reflection. Through its mystery, it provokes the imagination. Looking at him, you can ask who can you meet Van Gogh under the starry sky? I think and imagine what could happen in a painted city. I imagine that I am walking around the place shown in the picture. I walk very slowly because the night is dark. It's so dark I can't see anything. It is true that there are stars in the sky, but their light is not. I can hear an owl from a distance. Stops. Her rhythmic hoot fills me with mild terror. Why did she wake up so suddenly and suddenly? What if something bad happens to me? I don't even know where to run, it's still dark. I look at the sky. The stars shine beautifully. I look at them, but perhaps they will show me the way. They will have pity and let them not get lost. Don't get lost in the dark of the night ...
In my opinion, Van Gogh's painting disturbs, amazes and awakens dreams. It is unusual and probably thanks to our imagination, it would be possible to experience many fascinating adventures in the scenery presented by the painter. It is a pity that it is so difficult to return to the ordinary world after such a journey.
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