
Question TOT (5 p.)
Replace get in the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. UWAGA NA FORMĘ!!! ZAPISZ CAŁE ZDANIA W
arrive become
bring buy

1.My sister gets a lot of her new clothes online.

2.if we hurry, we'll get there by 6 pm.

3.We'd better start walking home because it's getting dark.

4.Will you get me some water, please?

5. Did you get what you wanted for your birthday?

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Odpowiedź :


.My sister buys a lot of her new clothes online.

2.if we hurry, we'll arrive there by 6 pm.

3.We'd better start walking home because it's becoming dark.

4.Will you bring me some water, please?

5. Did you buy what you wanted for your birthday?
