Odpowiedź :
zad 1
If I wake up late, I am late for work.
If my husband cooks, he burns the food.
If Julie doesn't wear a hat, she gets sunstroke.
If children don't eat well, they aren't healthy.
If you mix water and electricity, you get a shock.
If people eat too many sweets, they get fat.
If you smoke, you get yellow fingers.
If children play outside, they don't get overweight.
If you heat ice, it melts
If I speak to John, he gets annoyed.
zad 2
If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
If you heat ice, it melts.
Mike is late for work if he is late for tram at 7.30.
If you don't eat, you die. (szokujące)
Speak after a signal if you want to leave a message.
zad 3
If I get a headache, I take a painkiller.
If I talk in class, my teacher gives me a detention.
If I can't sleep at night, I listen to music.
If the Internet goes down, I try to reset my router.
powinno być dobrze
conditional 0 ma budowę if + present simple + present simple