E Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Uzupełnij luki 1-3 w tekście, zgodnie z treścią SMS-a oraz kartki z życzeniami. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. Tekst 2 Tekst 1 30. As you all know, it's my birthday this weekend, so I want to invite everyone lo a birthday dinner at our house this Saturday at 4 p.m. Send me a text if you can come See you on Saturday! love Uncle Gareth To Uncle Gareth, Our best wishes for a very Happy Birthday! giczny języku Victor remember that we are going to Uncle Gareth's (1) so don't plan anything with your friends. It's on Saturday at 4 pm. Thave a(2) for him from all of us, but it would be a good idea for you to prepare one yourself Uncle Gareth has been very good to you over the years. He also helped you with your course at college in (3) to say a big thank you for that. We wish you all the best on your birthday and hope you will always be as cheerful and easy-going as you are today. A special thank you for helping to find Victor's university course in Edinburgh, We are all very grateful for your help to you So you need ne Lots of love Mary, Bob, Victor and Felix xxx Mum st year PROSZĘ NA TERAZ!!!