
Zrób mini projekt na temat "what can we recycle at home" maks 50 słów

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Recycling is the recovery of waste, which consists of the reprocessing of materials or substances to obtain products with the same or similar purpose. This phenomenon has a very significant impact on environmental protection and is becoming more and more popularized. Recycling of waste is of great importance, among others in the case of the steel industry and metallurgy due to the use of large amounts of non-renewable resources.

The basis of recycling is primarily the appropriate selection of waste, which is then processed into secondary raw materials. Recycling saves energy and also protects natural goods that are rapidly disappearing. Material recycling should start with everyday purchases. It is important to buy biodegradable packaging, give up plastic disposables, plastic packaging and cutlery. It is also important to separate the raw materials from food scraps, clean the packages and crush them before throwing them into the appropriate containers. What is proper waste segregation? In connection with the ordinance of the Minister of the Environment of December 29, 2016 on the detailed method of selective collection of selected fractions of waste, paper, glass, metals, plastics and biodegradable waste are selectively collected. Therefore, cardboard, cardboard, leaflets, newspapers, wrapping paper, notebooks and books as well as printed sheets should be thrown into the paper container. On the other hand, you must not throw used tissues, milk and drink cartons, wallpaper, construction materials and foil-coated paper into the blue bin. Bottles, jars and cosmetic packaging are thrown into the green glass container. You do not throw out, among others ceramics, porcelain, flower pots, heat-resistant glass, light bulbs, reflectors and mirrors. There is also a metal and plastic container for throwing plastic bottles, caps, cosmetics and cleaning products, plastic bags and carrier bags, aluminum foil and cans. We throw vegetable and fruit waste, branches, grass, sawdust and non-impregnated wood into the bin for biodegradable waste.
