
Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi słowami. Pierwsze litery brakujących słów zostały podane. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna. 10p.
Trees have got many b……………………………. coverd with leaves.
That’s the place with a lot of sand. It is very hot during the day, and very cold at night- d………………………………………….
There were a lot of l………………………………………… in the sky during the stor mat night. I was scared! PROSZE
Mice, tigers, cats and dogs are m…………………………….
What is the weather f……………………………………………… for today.
Groundhogs can w……………………………….. when they are scared of something.
It is obligatory to have an e……………………………… kit in a car in a case of the accident.
A s……………………….is a part of plants.
It is f……………………………. today. It is difficult to see anything when you drive a car.
Grounhogs, moles live in b………………………………………