FFFFF111144ON FFFFF111144ON Język angielski Rozwiązane EX.1. DO PODANYCH ZDAŃ WPISZ WŁAŚCIWY CZASOWNIK MODALNY (can/ could, may/ must/ mustn’t/ have to / be able to): 1.You ………………….. feed the animals in the ZOO. It is forbidden. 2. Parrots ……………. talk. 3. You ………………… be quiet in the library. People are reading and studying! 4. I …………... help my mum in the kitchen. 5. You …………… obey the rules. 6. …………….. I use your computer? 7. Where ………… you find the biggest number of elephants? 8. You …………… turn off a TV set if you are not watching it. 9. You ……………. use plastic bags when you go shopping. 10. Scientists will …………… predict another volcanic eruption.