
E-mail po angielsku! Własnie wróciłes z pobytu w manchesterze!

Email Po Angielsku Własnie Wróciłes Z Pobytu W Manchesterze class=

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Witaj :)


Hi [imię]!

I have just returned from an interschool exchange, the house I stayed in was amazing, everyone was very friendly and the family were very welcoming. My room was cozy and I felt comfortable. One evening a friend told me we were going to watch a movie in their home cinema, I was shocked! I've never participated in anything like this! It was great, the seats were very comfortable, and the movie was great. The advantage is that I can get to school quickly and I can learn a foreign language, but the disadvantage is the distance that separates me from my family and loved ones, and for sure that you are not always lucky and you can find an unfriendly family. Would you like to come to Poland? We could spend interesting time together, e.g. go to the swimming pool or to the cinema.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.