
Przeczytaj tekst. Określ czy poniższe stwierdzenia są prawdziwe T czy fałszywe F

We got used to new inventions very quickly. After some time they look normal to us. But some inventions use the newest technology. These inventions look futuristic, We think scientists will invent them in the future, but they already exist! Look for example at a NASA robot. It’s called the Robonaut. It has a head with cameras inside, torso, arms and hands. It can use the same tools as astronauts. It can be put on wheels and move around. NASA has already used other robots on Mars. Astronauts cannot travel to Mars because it’s too far, so NASA sent their robots to Mars to explore it. Doctors also use modern technology. Some people have had accidents and they have lost an arm or a leg. Doctors and scientists work together to make new arms and legs for these people. They are atrificial. The woman in the photo on the next page has an atrificial arm. She can now live a better life. Some athletes also use artificial arms and legs. They take part in the Paralympics. You can watch them and see how strong and succesful they are.

1.Futuristic inventions don’t look unusual. T / F
2.NASA hasn’t sent astronauts to Mars yet. T / F
3.Doctors and scientists will take part in the Paralympics T / F
4.Athletes work with doctors to invent gadgets. T / F
5.Modern technology helps patients. T / F

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2- T

3- F




1-After some time they look normal to us.

2-Astronauts cannot travel to Mars because it’s too far, so NASA sent their robots to Mars to explore it.

3-They take part in the Paralympics.

4-Doctors and scientists work together to make new arms and legs for these people

5-The woman in the photo on the next page has an atrificial arm. She can now live a better life....You can watch them and see how strong and succesful they are.

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