
Napisz e-mail że brałaś/eś udział w organizacji konkursu szkolnego o budowaniu ze śniegu. Podziel się informacjami o nim na szkolnym blogu. Praca ma zawierać 80- 120 słów

- napisz, gdzie konkurs się odbył I kto w nim uczestniczył;

- opisz najlepsze prace konkursowe;

- udziel informacji na temat kolejnego konkursu.

Odpowiedź :

Witaj :)


Hello, everyone!

I recently participated in a contest for the best snow building, I have to say it was a lot of fun! The competition was held on our school area, there were many participants, I am cheerful that my friend also took part in this competition! The best entries were amazing! Someone had built a huge igloo that you could normally walk into and stand in, it was huge! Someone else built Santa's sleigh, it looked fabulous! If you would like to take part in the next contest, you have to write to the secretary of our school giving your name and surname. I strongly encourage you to participate, it is a lot of fun!

I'm looking forward to your comments!


Hello everyone,

lately i participed in the organization of the school compatition, about building of

snow. Compatition was on the school court, where comes many people, mainly studens of our school. It was very much snow in this day, and starts snowing by the end. The best compatition works is snow castle with many details, like beautiful window and very big couple snowman and snowoman.

Next compatition will be about writing stories and poems, i hope that will be so good as earlier ours ideas.



On Studier: Inne Pytanie