Proszę pomóżcie pilnie potrzebuję angielskich definicji tych wyrażeń i słów

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Zadanie 6
1. pilot a scheme is a small experiment undertaken to decide how and whether to start off a full-scale project.
2. behind the idea means "the reason for something".
3. break down means when a vehicle or machine stops working.
4. promote can mean to encourage people to use, buy, do, or support something or someone and also to raise someone to a higher rank or position.
5. reflect - to express, show or be a sign of something or to think carefully about something.
6. academic year is the period of time in which students attend school (or university).
7. broaden horizons means to broaden your knowledge.
8. participants are people who take part in something.
9. grant means to permit or allow something.
10. recognise means to identify something/someone on the basis of having previously encountered it.