
Plis na już
Która z odpowiedzi (A, B lub C) ma znaczenie najbliższe podkreślonemu fragmentowi zdania?

It isn't far. We can go on foot there.
A drive B walk C ride

1 We need to book the accommodation tonight.
A the hotel B the tickets C the excursion

2 Why don't we go to the countryside for the weekend?
A reach B arrive at C escape to

3 This is my second visit to the US.
A I've gone to the US.
B I've never been to the US.
C I've been to the US before.

4 Tom is here. He arrived a few minutes ago.
A has just got here. B hasn't arrived yet. C has never arrived.

5 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the theatre?
A is there a theatre near
B how do I get to the theatre
C am I walking to the theatre

Odpowiedź :


0. b

1. nie wi3m


3. a lub c

4. a
