Daje naj prosze o pomoc

1 Is a thing that fly in space
2. is a thing that you take for a camp
3. is a building where you learn
4.Is time free from school
5. is a thing that helps you with things
6. is a place where plane fly away and lands
7. is a pearson that flies a plane
8 is a pearson that work in school
Proszę o naj :)
1 spaceship is a modern plane in the space
2 a tent is a small house in the wild
3 a shool is place that you come here from monday to friday
4 summer is a time whem you have vacations
5 guidebook is a book which can guide you in lot of difrent situations
6 airpart is a place where planes are starting
7 pilot is a good thing to switch channel
8 teacher is a peopple who teach you a lot of things
mam nadzieje ze pomoglem :)