Potrzebuję tego na jutro PILNE w załączniku zadanie proszę o rozwiązanie 1,2 oraz 3 daje naj

1. Was the restaurant big? No it was small
2. Was the bus full? Yes it was full
3. Was the TV show funny? Yes it was funny
4. Was the food tasty? Yes it was tasty
5. Was the film strange? Yes it was strange
6. Was the room warn? No it was cold
mam nadzieje ze pomoglam
licze na najlepsza odpowiedz
Odpowiedź:1. Was the restaurant big? No, it was small.
2. Was the bus full? Yes, it was crowded.
3. Was TV show funny? Yes, it was hilarious.
Mam nadzieję że to o to chodziło ((: