
Who's your favourite singer?
My favourite singer is Leona Lewis. She's British and she's got a great
She also writes songs. My favourite one is 'Bleeding Love'.
Bradley. She loves dogs. She's got a pet Rottweiler. His name is Rome.
Leona can play the guitar and the piano. She's got two brothers, Kyle
doesn't eat meat. She likes vegetables.
Do you know her?
zrobi mi ktoś ten tekst o arianie grandę żeby wszystkie pytania były odpowiedzami na temat ariany grandę​

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My favourite Singer is Ariana Grande Shes brithis and she's got a great

She also writes songs. My favourite one is positions


My favorite singer is Ariana Grande. She is British and she is got a great voice. She also write a songs. My favorite one is ,, (tu musisz podać swoją ulubioną piosenkę ariany). She loves animals. Her first animal was dog- Coco. Ariana can play on guitar . She’s got a brother Frankie. Do you know Ariana ?
( twoje imie)