Angielski - klasa 7
Proszę o pomoc
Zadanie 7str 64
Zadanie w załączniku

7 Predict your partners' future. Tell them what they will do in:
• 5 years
• 20 years
• 50 years
Przepowiadamy przyszłość i mówimy innym uczniom, co będą robić za 5, 20 i 50 lat. Używamy czasu future simple (will/won't + bezokolicznik):
In five years, you will study at university. You'll have new friends. You will drive a car.
In twenty years, you will have children. You'll have your own house or flat. You will earn a lot of money.
In fifty years, you will be very rich and successful. You'll have grandchildren. You will travel around the world.