
Dear Grandma,

How are you? I’m writing this letter because I want to send you a copy of our family

photo. We went to a photographer last week, and she took this photo in her studio. She

had lots of backgrounds to choose from, but I wanted this one – it looks like we’re outside

in the garden, doesn’t it? Anyway, mum also asked me to invite you to Jim’s birthday in

two weeks. You need to keep it a secret because it’s a surprise party. We’re going to invite

some of our cousins and aunt Rachel, so there will be a number of people there. I hope

you can come.

Lots of love,


2.2 Fill gaps 5–7, using Polish, with information from the texts.

A: Basiu, zajrzyj do mnie na kawę. Pokażę ci zdjęcie przysłane przez Yolandę.

B: Będę za kwadrans. Co przedstawia zdjęcie?

A: (5) ____________________________ .

B: To Yolanda je zrobiła?

A: Nie, nie ona, lecz (6) ____________________________ .

B: Dawno nie widziałaś Yolandy.

A: To prawda, ale zobaczymy się

(7) ____________________________ , na urodzinach Jima.

B: Opowiesz wszystko, kiedy przyjdę​