
Proszę o pomoc ,zadanie w załączniku :))

Proszę O Pomoc Zadanie W Załączniku class=

Odpowiedź :

Eating out

To escape from the ⁰⁾boring routine of cooking and eating at home, many people take a lot of ¹⁾pleasure from eating out every now and then. Eating out gives you the chance to have an ²⁾enjoyable meal without any of the preparation which comes with eating at home. Also, eating out allows you to sample dishes which you might not have the ³⁾ability to prepare yourself. You can even be a bit ⁴⁾adventurous and try exotic dishes from around the world - everything from ⁵⁾spicy Indian curries to traditional French or Italian cuisine - all ⁶⁾carefully prepared by experienced chefs. And there's no better way to ⁷⁾socialize with friends than over a tasty meal! So, if you ⁸⁾dislike the idea of slaving in the kitchen tonight, why not enjoy a relaxing meal at a restaurant instead!

