
POMOCY!!! Na teraz bym prosiła jedno zadanie. (W załączniku czytelniej widać)

9 **** Complete the story with the correct forms of
the verbs from the box. Use the Past Simple, the Past
Continuous or the Past Perfect.
give up listen to lose fead realise see seem think
One day Rona 'was reading an article about sport,
when she 2 some information about a local
paralympic group. Her brother Tom 3 the
use of his right arm three years before in an
accident. He doing any kind of sport soon
after that. Rona called him - he 5 music in
his room. She showed him the article and asked if
about taking part in a sport again. Tom
very interested - he 8 before then
that there were local groups like that.

POMOCY Na Teraz Bym Prosiła Jedno Zadanie W Załączniku Czytelniej Widać 9 Complete The Story With The Correct Forms Of The Verbs From The Box Use The Past Simpl class=