
95 punktó!
I Uzupełnij zdania 1-6 odpowiednimi wyrazami:
Spectacular, living, pavement, stop traffi,c pigeons
1 A bus stop is a place where people wait for their buses.
2 __________ statues are people who look like real statues. They
dont move.
3 Something that is ____________ is very good and impressive.
4 My parents spend about one hour in ______________ jams every Day
5 _____________ are grey birds which we can see in cities.
6 You should not park your car on the _______________ because it is
a place for people to walk.
II Uzupełnij zdania 1-6 poprawnymi formami czasowników w czasie past
1 It was a rainy day so the kids ------------------------(watch)TV
at home.
2 Grandpa and I were in the garden and we ________________ (water)
the plants.
3 It was very hot so the pigeons ________________ (drink) water
from the fountain.
4 Ann was at the bus stop and she ________________ (wait) for a bus
5 The traffic lights turned red when I ________________ (cross) the
6. Did you see the police officer who ________________ (chase) a
III. W zdaniach 1-6 podkreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.Postaw krzyżyk przy
poprawnej odpowiedzi
1 Our family eats a lot of vegetables. We buy them / it at the
farmers market.
2 Ann had a sandwich for breakfast. She made her / it herself.
3 Adam is my best friend and I have invited he / him to my birthday
4 Tina, can you call me / I this afternoon? I have some news for
5 Our aunt Maria is great. She often takes me / us on amazing trias
6 Tom, I think I can help you / him with your chemistry homework.
IV.Do każdej sytuacji 1-4 dobierz odpowiednią reakcję. Zaznacz a lub
1 Brat rozładował twój tablet. Powiedz mu, że nic nie szkodzi.
a It is a problem, isnt it?
b Never mind.
2 Zapytaj kolegę, dlaczego się spóźnił.
a Can you tell me why you are late?
b Are you always late?
3 Przyjmij przeprosiny od koleżanki, która spóźniła się na umówione spotkanie.
a Apology accepted.
b OK, I am sorry.
4 Poproś przyjaciela, aby był punktualny następnym razem.
a Just be punctual next time.
b I will be punctual next time.
V Połącz wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby powstały rzeczowniki złożone
1 town a) lights
2 bus b) path
3 traffic c) bins
4 living d) Centre
5 rubbish e) statue
6 cycle f) stop
VI Zaznacz X właściwą odpowiedź
1 A shop In the High Street burnt/was burning down yesterday.
2 Lots of pe ople played/were playing football In the park.
3 We sat/were pitting In traffic when our car broke down
4 I walked/was wal king In the square when I foune a kit ten
5 Did the fountain work/was wiking when you were In park?

Odpowiedź :


Zadanie 1

2. living





Zadanie 2

  1. were watching
  2. were watering
  3. were drinking
  4. was waiting
  5. was crossing
  6. was chaseing

Zadanie 3

  1. at
  2. it
  3. him
  4. me
  5. us
  6. you

Zadanie 4

  1. b
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a

Zadanie 5

  1. d
  2. f
  3. a
  4. e
  5. c
  6. b