
Zadanie 4 klasa 7
Napisz mail do rodziny, w którym:
A. wyjaśnisz, w jaki sposób podróżujesz,
B. opowiesz, jakie miejsca już zobaczyłeś/
C. zachęcisz bliskich do podobnej wyprawy.
Proszę o pomoc daję 5 gwiazdek​

Odpowiedź :

Hi mum, dad and the rest of us! :)

I'm in London at the moment and I'm having such a good time! This city is completely crazy but I love it and I could spend the rest of my life here.Yesterday I was pleased to meet Jack - he is my new friend. We met near to Buckingham Palace. I enjoy spending time with him because he has good sense of humour and he's very smart. Tomorrow we're going to a huge party in the city centre.

I hope you're well.

Best wishes,




I am writing to was from Italy. It's very warm, over 30 °. I've seen a lot already! I have been to Rome, the leaning tower of Pisa, Naples and Venice. It's great, I've tried a lot of dishes that I didn't know before and met fantastic people. I wish you were here with me.

I greet you, Ania :)