
Zadanie domowe:

Uzupełnij zdania przysłówkami utworzonymi od podanych wyrazów. Daje najj

1 You shouldn’t come so . LATE

2 I told you to drive but you didn’t listen. CAREFUL

3 He started shouting at me so I left. ANGRY

4 The house was damaged. BAD

5 Jack did very in the exam. GOOD

6 Do you have to play so ? NOISY

7 Don’t come for me too , 8.00 is fine. EARLY

8 I can’t believe that he said that so . CALM

9 We need to get out of here . QUICK

10 Then we drove to my house. STRAIGHT

Odpowiedź :


1 You shouldn’t come solate.

2 I told you to drive carefully but you didn’t listen.

3 He started shouting angrily at me so I left.

4 The house was badly damaged.

5 Jack did very well in the exam.

6 Do you have to play so noisily ?

7 Don’t come for me too early, 8.00 is fine.

8 I can’t believe that he said that so calmly .

9 We need to get out of here quickly .

10 Then we drove straight to my house.


On Studier: Inne Pytanie