
Potrzebuje tego na dziś zadanie za 50 punktów
Make notes about...

a)... a true story that you exaggerate a bit by using the techniques from the writing skills box


b)... a story that didn’t really happen

Odpowiedź :


Wymyśliłam historię do punktu b, troszkę może wydawać się zwariowane ale moja dusza pisarki zaczęła się objawiać


Today was a crazy day. I was sitting on a park bench looking at people. I was hungry so I decided to go to the store. At some point, however, someone jumped out from behind a tree and grabbed my purse. The man started to run away and I ran after him. I called for help. I just wanted someone to catch him. There were very important things in my purse. Suddenly, the thief fell over and I was able to take back my property. The boy excused himself and left. I came home.