
1. Dlaczego zawsze martwisz się o niego tak bardzo?
2. Ona zazwyczaj nie zgadza się ze mną.
3. Co oni robią? Oni są budowniczymi.
4. Co oni robią? Oni jedzą śniadanie.
5. Helen nie piecze ciasta w tej chwili, ona robi kanapki.
6. Oni nie często przychodzą nas odwiedzić.
7. Czy ona gra w szachy dobrze? Tak, bardzo dobrze.

Odpowiedź :


Why are you always worried about him so much?

She usually doesn't agree with me.

What are they doing? They are builders.

What are they doing? They are eating breakfast.

Helen is not baking a cake at the moment, she is making sandwiches.

They don't come to visit us often.

Does she play chess well? Yes very good.

1. Why you always worry about him that much?

2. She usually doesn't agree with me.

3. What do they do? They are builders.

4. What are they doing? They are having breakfast.

5. Helen isn't baking a cake at themoment, she is making sandwiches.

6. They don't come to visit us often.

7. Does she play chess well? Yes, very well.